Special Weather Statement issued February 15 at 12:13PM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
The combination of low level moisture and light winds will be favorable for fog development this afternoon. The fog...possibly dense at times...will last at least into this evening before some improvement occurs as a deepening area of low pressure ripples northeast through the region.
Motorists should expected visibilities to lower this afternoon with low visibilities continuing into this evening. Visibility may be reduced to a quarter mile or less at times. Be prepared to slow down, allow extra time to reach your destination, and keep your low beam headlights on.
Today 37° Today 37° chance 29° 29° Tomorrow 30° Tomorrow 30° 11° 11° chance
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
Fish trapped in spillway
Photo by Mark Pummell/The Daily Standard

Officials from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) use nets to gather fish stuck in the West Bank spillway this morning and move them into Beaver Creek. The fish become trapped when the lake level drops and water stops flowing over the top and into the spillway basin. Lack of rain has caused the lake's water level to drop, officials said.

Additional pictures on this date