Special Weather Statement issued February 15 at 12:13PM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
The combination of low level moisture and light winds will be favorable for fog development this afternoon. The fog...possibly dense at times...will last at least into this evening before some improvement occurs as a deepening area of low pressure ripples northeast through the region.
Motorists should expected visibilities to lower this afternoon with low visibilities continuing into this evening. Visibility may be reduced to a quarter mile or less at times. Be prepared to slow down, allow extra time to reach your destination, and keep your low beam headlights on.
Today 37° Today 37° chance 29° 29° Tomorrow 30° Tomorrow 30° 11° 11° chance
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

County gets grant to fund phosphorus reduction

Money for Grand Lake

By William Kincaid
Photo by Mark Pummell/The Daily Standard

Boat traffic on Grand Lake is at a standstill due to water quality advisories related to weeks of algae blooms. The strongest state advisory was issued last week and tells people to stay out of the water, no boating or swimming, and to not eat the fish. Boats are tied up at docks along West Bank Road this morning.

GRAND LAKE - Mercer County commissioners have been awarded a $484,000 grant from the Ohio EPA to help put a $1 million system in place to reduce the amount of phosphorus getting in Grand Lake.
The system, called a water quality treatment train, would be installed in Prairie Creek on the south side of the lake in late summer or early fall. Prairie Creek was chosen because it is the best sample of the problems going on, Ebbing said.
One of the main problems with Grand Lake is phosphorus, which is found in manure and fertilizers and feeds the blue-green algae that is producing toxic blooms in the lake. The toxins have caused the state to issue advisories telling people to stay out of the water.
The county would be required to match the grant with $447,000 - $150,000 from a line item approved through the soil and water conservation district office over a year ago and $300,000 worth of in-kind labor and state dredging equipment.
Commissioners on Tuesday afternoon tabled a motion to accept the grant to give Mercer County Economic Development Office Director Jared Ebbing, who applied for the grant, additional time to review the lengthy document. They plan to accept the money when they meet Thursday.
The extensive project calls for the installation of two devices, a sediment collector and an Airy Gator, as well as using chemical treatments, stream restoration, traditional wetlands, floating wetlands and a cove - all of which will essentially create a backstop for the lake, Ebbing said.
And if the treatment train system is effective, it could be duplicated in other tributaries leading into the lake, Ebbing said.
"It's another step in the right direction," Ebbing said, pointing out it won't stop all detrimental material from entering the lake.
First, chemicals would be applied to the water upstream. Either alum or a natural soy-based floc would be used to cause the phosphorus to coalesce and drop to the bottom.
Ebbing said the phosphorus, as well as sediment, sand and other materials, then would accumulate in a collector, which would be placed somewhere on the south side of state Route 219.
Also, stream restoration techniques - to ensure the creek is flowing well - would be employed and traditional wetlands, which help filter water, would be established using a combination of land from Franklin Township and the state.
Ebbing said Franklin Township Trustees have committed to the project.
Also, a cove with a protective barrier would be created using dredged material, Ebbing said. An Airy Gator, which contains a series of rotating disks that infuse oxygen into the sediment layer on the lake's bottom, would be installed in the middle of the cove. The oxygen allows beneficial organisms to grow and eat the organic material in the sediment.
Floating wetlands also would be established near the cove, Ebbing said.
Ebbing stressed the project is just one of several long-term initiatives the county is pursuing to mitigate the effects of phosphorus loading.
"We are looking at many different things," Ebbing said, pointing out that officials are researching lakes in California and Minnesota that have the same problems as Grand Lake.

Request to governor:
The Daily Standard sent a request today to Gov. Ted Strickland's office asking why the governor has not visited the area to view the situation at Grand Lake.
His spokesperson, Amanda Wurst, said a written statement would be sent to the newspaper, but it was not received before today's edition was printed.
Additional online story on this date
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COLDWATER - After three trips to the plate without a hit, Celina's Kahl Knapke was due when he stepped up in the bottom of the sixth in the championship game of the District 4 ACME baseball tournament. [More]
Subscriber and paid stories on this date
Money for Grand Lake
GRAND LAKE - Federal help is on the way for Grand Lake.
Farmers in the Grand Lake Watershed are eligible to apply for $1 million in USDA money to help install conservation practices that stem the flow of nutrients into the lake and hopefully curb algae growth.
Former Gibbons Hospital
CELINA - A city plan to purchase the former Gibbons Hospital this year for additional parking has been abandoned due to the city's financial situation.
NEW BREMEN - A playground complete with handicapped-accessible swings, climbing walls, balance beams and water fountains - the first of its kind in Northwest Ohio - will become part of Bremenfest Park as a result of action taken Tuesday morning by the New Bremen/New Knoxville Rotary Club.
MINSTER - Residents and organizations can have input on bronze art pieces planned in connection with the upcoming Fourth Street reconstruction project.
ROCKFORD - More than 30 West Market Street residents attended the village council meeting Tuesday to hear about the upcoming street reconstruction project. Some voiced concerns; most just listened.
Mercer County had the fourth lowest unemployment rate in Ohio in June, according to figures released Tuesday by the Ohio Bureau of Job and Family Services.
FORT LORAMIE - A new restaurant in downtown Fort Loramie is owned by a Minster resident with 32 years experience in the food business.
Jim Poeppelman opened Flavor on Elm at 15 Elm St., east of state Route 66, last month.
CELINA - The Grand Lake Mariners' free fall in the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League continued on Tuesday night.
Hamilton broke a scoreless tie with a four-run seventh inning and went on to beat Grand Lake, 4-2, at Jim Hoess Field.