Special Weather Statement issued January 13 at 4:51PM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
Wind chill values will dip to near, or slightly below, zero tonight into Tuesday morning. Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. Keep pets indoors as much as possible.
Camping, shelter house rental also discounted to draw lake visitors
By Nancy Allen
GRAND LAKE - The state will refund dock fees and give discounts for camping and shelter house rental around Grand Lake to help area businesses and individuals affected by the lake's condition.
The move will cost the state $172,930, according to ODNR spokesperson Heidi Hetzel-Evans. [More]
They're lively and loud and in record numbers at this year's Mercer County Fair.
"There's a 25 percent increase in goats this year," said Cheryl McKirnan, coordinator of the junior fair.
"Neahs" will be heard today across the fairgrounds as junior fair members begin filling stalls with 45 dairy goats, 44 breeding goats and 65 market wether goats - a total of 154 short-haired creatures to be weighed, showed and judged in the next few days. [More]
Local ag officials hope to get additional funding through a Lake Erie conservation program that could be one more step in helping Grand Lake's toxic algae problem.
ST. MARYS - Most of St. Marys Rotary members are drug users, according to the county DARE officer who explained the correct definition at the club's weekly lunch meeting Wednesday.
OHIO CITY - A former Coldwater man pleaded guilty this week to charges he had sex with a minor.
Gary E. Coats, 28, who now resides in Ohio City, offered the plea Wednesday in Van Wert Common Pleas Court to three counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, a third-degree felony.
Several local issues will be on the November general election ballot in both Mercer and Auglaize counties.
The following issues were presented to the local boards of elections, though official voting language still must be confirmed by the secretary of state.