Special Weather Statement issued March 5 at 4:25AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
A strong low pressure system will bring gusty conditions to the region throughout the day on Wednesday. Wind gusts up to 45 MPH are possible throughout the day and evening, especially with shower activity.
Loose objects may be blown around and driving may be difficult for high profile vehicles.
49° 49° Wed 54° Wed 54° 27° 27° likely Thu 40° Thu 40°
Friday, August 18th, 2017
Livestock champions sell at auction
Photo by Mark Pummell/The Daily Standard

The reserve pen of three roasters shown by Hopewell 4-H member Rachel Baeir, daughter of Peggy and Doug Baeir, sold Thursday at the Mercer County Fair for $500 to a group including Kohnen Farms and Seth and Amanda Kohnen.

Additional pictures on this date