Tuesday, April 14th, 2020
Coldwater Fire Chief Forsthoefel resigns
Will remain to assist with the transition
By Georgia Rindler
COLDWATER - Village fire chief Brent Forsthoefel has resigned as chief but will remain with the department to assist with the transition.
Council members accepted Forsthoefel's resignation during Monday's meeting after a 6-minute executive session.
"Brent did a great job for the fire department. He's leaving it in really good shape," village administrator/engineer Eric Thomas said. "There are no pressing issues that the department is having now."
Thomas, on behalf of council, thanked Forsthoefel for his 29 years of service, including six years as chief. Under his leadership, the department received several grants to assist with purchases of equipment and personal gear, Thomas noted.
In other business, council members passed under suspension of rules an emergency resolution authorizing participation in the Ohio Department of Transportation's road salt purchasing program.
The contract requires the village to buy at least 90% of its salt from the designated supplier. Thomas said last year's order was for 600 tons.
"I think I'll put in for 600 again knowing we'll get a good price," he added.
A larger salt storage bin was built in 2018 allowing village officials to participate in the ODOT contract to get a better price.
Police chief Jason Miller said he has implemented some new office guidelines due to the COVID-19 situation. The office is now manned from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. He recommends any non-emergency calls be made to central dispatch at 419-586-7724.
Thomas said limb pickup will be on April 20.
"With our limited personnel it may take us a little longer," he said, adding if limbs are not picked up that day, crews will return sometime later in the week.
Coldwater Memorial Park is open for walking, but some playground equipment and the restrooms are closed, Thomas said.
"We won't have any organized activities as long as there is a stay-at-home order," he said. "We just have to follow the state laws."
The April 27 council meeting has been canceled. However, officials plan to meet on May 11, Thomas said.