Special Weather Statement issued March 5 at 4:25AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
A strong low pressure system will bring gusty conditions to the region throughout the day on Wednesday. Wind gusts up to 45 MPH are possible throughout the day and evening, especially with shower activity.
Loose objects may be blown around and driving may be difficult for high profile vehicles.
Today 55° Today 55° 27° 27° likely Tomorrow 38° Tomorrow 38° 28° 28°
Monday, December 12th, 2022
Photo by Leslie Gartrell/The Daily Standard

Milkweed stalks stand in a small field on Friday. The plant can be left standing during the winter in order for the plant to reseed for the next season and provide shelter for beneficial insects.

Related online story:
With winter in full swing, many gardeners have packed up their tools for the season and are waiting for seed catalogs to arrive.
However, gardens and outdoor landscapes can be bustling with life, even in the depths of winter. [More]
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