COLDWATER - Village councilors plan to execute a $1.02 million purchase of 30.5 acres southwest of Coldwater for future industrial development.
Councilors at Monday night's regular meeting gave first reading of legislation to buy the property from Mary Ann Diller. The land is adjacent to the village's corporation, next to the Coldwater Nature Preserve off Burkettsville-St. Henry Road.
Mayor Doug Bertke said village officials have sought to acquire land for future commercial and industrial development for a long time.
"It shows that the village is looking for progress and for growth," he added.
Councilors also gave first reading to a pair of ordinances providing for the issuance of land acquisition bonds and land acquisition notes for the purchase of the ground.
Finance director Jason Eyink said the purchase will be bankrolled with a combination of industrial development funds and up to $1.05 million in land acquisition notes or bonds.
"When we get the rates back we can decide," he said about whether the village will issue notes or bonds.
In other business, councilors approved a motion authorizing village administrator/engineer Eric Thomas to enter into a $124,387 contract with R.J. Corman Railroad Co. to repair and upgrade the railroad crossing on East Vine Street.
The wooden ties at the crossing will be replaced with concrete.
The project should take less than a week and will be funded from the street department fund.
Councilors heard second reading of an ordinance accepting the final plat of Wenning Acres Subdivision section seven. The section is about 13.932 acres of land situated west of North Second Street in Wenning Acres.
Also on Monday, councilors:
• learned the former McDonald's property has been transferred to the new owners, who hope to open the food establishment in late spring or early summer.
• learned Thomas has received a request to put up a deaf child sign in a neighborhood. The request will be passed on to the transportation committee and discussed at a later date.
• scheduled a public relations committee meeting for 7:30 p.m. Feb. 10 to discuss the nation's 250th anniversary, which will be celebrated in 2026.
• met in executive session for three minutes to discuss land and personnel. No action was taken afterward.
The council meets next at 7 p.m. Feb. 10 at the village hall.