The City of Celina will receive sealed bids for the construction of the New Building for Public Works Department project.
Bids will be received at the office of the City of Celina, 225 N. Main Street, Celina, Ohio, until 10:00 a.m. December 13, 2024, at which time and place bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis as outlined in the bid documents.
The project involves the construction of a 20,000 square foot steel frame storage building with metal exterior walls and roof panels, and metal interior wall panels. The building will have a concrete foundation and concrete floor, and include a 4,000 square foot office space within the main building.
Bids must be signed and submitted on the separate bidding forms included in the Bidding Documents, sealed in the provided envelope, and shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid amount or by a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit on a solvent bank in the amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the Bid, subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid.
Attention of bidders is called to all of the requirements contained in this bid packet, particularly to the State of Ohio prevailing wage rates, various insurance requirements, and various equal employment opportunity provisions.
The Bidding Documents, which include Drawings, Specifications and blank bid forms, may be examined and obtained at the office of Access Engineering Solutions, LLC., 1200 Irmscher Boulevard, Suite B., Celina, Ohio, 45822. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents with the cost of $25.00 for electronic copy and $100.00 for paper copy. The paper documents may be shipped at the Bidder's expense for an additional $15.00 shipping fee. Non-refundable checks are to be payable to Access Engineering Solutions, LLC. BIDS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FROM BIDDERS LISTED ON THE ENGINEER'S OFFICIAL LIST OF PLAN HOLDERS.
The Owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid and to waive informalities, irregularities and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
Coldwater Creek, Harrison, Gallman & Shelley Road Reconstruction
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Mercer County Commissioners for reconstruction of Coldwater Creek, Harrison, Gallman & Shelley roads in Mercer County.
Bids must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Mercer County Commissioners, located at Central Services Building, 220 West Livingston Street, Room A201, Celina, Ohio 45822.
Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on December 12, 2024.
Specifications and bid forms can be obtained by contacting the Mercer County Engineer's Office, located at 4884 Mud Pike, Celina, Ohio 45822 (Phone: 419-586-7759).
Each bid package must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. The bid guaranty shall be in the form of either:
1. A bond for the full amount of the bid, or
2. A certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit pursuant to Chapter 1305 of the
Ohio Revised Code equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid. Upon entering a contract, a performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the project will be required.
A completed bid blank (blanks) should be submitted on the project along with all other required forms.
All contractors and subcontractors shall meet all applicable state prevailing wage requirements.
Contracts will be awarded for the project on a unit price basis to the lowest and best bidder(s).
The awarding agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities when the same are to the agency's advantage.
James A. Wiechart, P.E., P.S.
Mercer County Engineer
By order of the Board of Mercer
County Commissioners
Mercer County, Ohio
Kim Everman, Clerk
This notice is posted on the Board of Mercer County Commissioners web site. Notice can be accessed at:
The City of Celina will receive sealed bids for the construction of the New Building for Public Works Department project.
Bids will be received at the office of the City of Celina, 225 N. Main Street, Celina, Ohio, until 10:00 a.m. December 13, 2024, at which time and place bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis as outlined in the bid documents.
The project involves the construction of a 20,000 square foot steel frame storage building with metal exterior walls and roof panels, and metal interior wall panels. The building will have a concrete foundation and concrete floor, and include a 4,000 square foot office space within the main building.
Bids must be signed and submitted on the separate bidding forms included in the Bidding Documents, sealed in the provided envelope, and shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid amount or by a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit on a solvent bank in the amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the Bid, subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid.
Attention of bidders is called to all of the requirements contained in this bid packet, particularly to the State of Ohio prevailing wage rates, various insurance requirements, and various equal employment opportunity provisions.
The Bidding Documents, which include Drawings, Specifications and blank bid forms, may be examined and obtained at the office of Access Engineering Solutions, LLC., 1200 Irmscher Boulevard, Suite B., Celina, Ohio, 45822. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents with the cost of $25.00 for electronic copy and $100.00 for paper copy. The paper documents may be shipped at the Bidder's expense for an additional $15.00 shipping fee. Non-refundable checks are to be payable to Access Engineering Solutions, LLC. BIDS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FROM BIDDERS LISTED ON THE ENGINEER'S OFFICIAL LIST OF PLAN HOLDERS.
The Owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid and to waive informalities, irregularities and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
The City of Celina will receive sealed bids for the construction of the Mill Street Improvements project.
Bids will be received at the office of the City of Celina, 225 N. Main Street, Celina, Ohio, until 11:00 a.m. November 21, 2024, at which time and place bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received after 11:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.
Bids will be received on a unit costs basis as outlined in the bid documents
The project involves improvements to Mill Street from Beaver Street to Touvelle Street. Included is waterline, sanitary slip lining, and storm sewer replacements, curb and gutter, sidewalk and street resurfacing or reconstruction.
Bids must be signed and submitted on the separate bidding forms included in the Bidding Documents, sealed in the provided envelope, and shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid amount or by a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit on a solvent bank in the amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the Bid, subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid.
Attention of bidders is called to all of the requirements contained in this bid packet, particularly to the State of Ohio prevailing wage rates, various insurance requirements, and various equal employment opportunity provisions.
The Bidding Documents, which include Drawings, Specifications and blank bid forms, may be examined and obtained at the office of Access Engineering Solutions, LLC., 1200 Irmscher Boulevard, Suite B., Celina, Ohio, 45822. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents with the cost of $25.00 for electronic copy and $110.00 for paper copy. The paper documents will be shipped at the Bidder's expense for an additional $15.00 shipping fee. Non-refundable checks are to be payable to Access Engineering Solutions, LLC. BIDS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FROM BIDDERS LISTED ON THE ENGINEER'S OFFICIAL LIST OF PLAN HOLDERS.
The Owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid and to waive informalities, irregularities and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
The City of Celina will receive sealed bids for the construction of the Mill Street Improvements project.
Bids will be received at the office of the City of Celina, 225 N. Main Street, Celina, Ohio, until 11:00 a.m. November 21, 2024, at which time and place bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received after 11:00 a.m. will be returned unopened.
Bids will be received on a unit costs basis as outlined in the bid documents
The project involves improvements to Mill Street from Beaver Street to Touvelle Street. Included is waterline, sanitary slip lining, and storm sewer replacements, curb and gutter, sidewalk and street resurfacing or reconstruction.
Bids must be signed and submitted on the separate bidding forms included in the Bidding Documents, sealed in the provided envelope, and shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid amount or by a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit on a solvent bank in the amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the Bid, subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid.
Attention of bidders is called to all of the requirements contained in this bid packet, particularly to the State of Ohio prevailing wage rates, various insurance requirements, and various equal employment opportunity provisions.
The Bidding Documents, which include Drawings, Specifications and blank bid forms, may be examined and obtained at the office of Access Engineering Solutions, LLC., 1200 Irmscher Boulevard, Suite B., Celina, Ohio, 45822. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents with the cost of $25.00 for electronic copy and $110.00 for paper copy. The paper documents will be shipped at the Bidder's expense for an additional $15.00 shipping fee. Non-refundable checks are to be payable to Access Engineering Solutions, LLC. BIDS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FROM BIDDERS LISTED ON THE ENGINEER'S OFFICIAL LIST OF PLAN HOLDERS.
The Owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid and to waive informalities, irregularities and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.