A public hearing will be held before the Marion Township Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday October 23, 2024, at 8:00 P.M. at the Marion Township Building, 8078 Marion Drive, Maria Stein, OH for the purpose of hearing the following:
The application of Shane Winner, 1460 Voskuhl Road, Maria Stein, OH. He is requesting a side yard variance to construct an accessory building. This residential lot is located at the above address, in Section 34, Marion Township.
Board of Zoning Appeals of Marion Township
Dale Homan, Chairman
The Council of the City of Celina, Ohio will hold a public hearing at a council meeting on Monday, November 11, 2024, to review a proposed Ordinance that would amend the Zoning District Map portion of Ordinance 26-99-O (Zoning Ordinance).
Ordinance 61-24-O proposes to change R-O Residential/Office District to M-1 Manufacturing District located at 457 Grand Lake Road. (Tax Map # 27-315625.0000 & 27-315626.0000)
The hearing will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of the Administration Building, 225 N. Main Street. The purpose is to hear comments on the proposed zoning change.
The proposed Ordinance is on file and available for public review at the Administration Building, 225 N. Main Street (phone 419-586-6464).
Michael DiDonato, Clerk
Celina City Council
Celina Board of Zoning Appeals
OCTOBER 17, 2024
The Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Celina will hold a public meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024, in the Celina Admin-istration Building, 225 N. Main Street (second floor in the City Council Chambers). The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. to consider the following requests(s):
For review is a request by The Baldus Co. of Fort Wayne, Indiana, requesting an LED sign for Grace Missionary Church to be placed on the VFW property on West Logan Street and Portland Street. Request is for a second free standing sign for an offsite facility and for the LED factor. There currently is a sign in place for the church but church would like to update with a bigger sign. Zoning is B-1.
Addition information may be obtained from the City Engineering Department, 308 Portland Street, Celina, and phone 419-586-1144. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND. Landowner or his signed designee must attend this meeting.
Vince Barnhart, Secretary
Board of Zoning Appeals
City of Celina
Celina Board of Zoning Appeals
OCTOBER 17, 2024
The Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Celina will hold a public meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024, in the Celina Admin-istration Building, 225 N. Main Street (second floor in the City Council Chambers). The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. to consider the following requests(s):
For review is a request by Little Flower Learning Center LLC of 603 Touvelle Street, requesting a sign variance that will be a LED sign. Current zoning is R-3.
Addition information may be obtained from the City Engineering Department, 308 Portland Street, Celina, and phone 419-586-1144. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND. Landowner or his signed designee must attend this meeting.
Vince Barnhart, Secretary
Board of Zoning Appeals
City of Celina
Celina Board of Zoning Appeals
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024
The Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Celina will hold a public meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2024, in the Celina Administration Building, 225 N. Main Street (second floor In the City Council Chambers). The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. to consider the following request(s):
For review is a request by John Shreves of 1207 Jessica Lane is requesting an in ground pool to be placed less than allowable amount from a rear property line. Pool wall is to be 10 feet from property line. Shreves is requesting 3-5 from rear property line. Zoning is R-1.
Additional information may be obtained from the City Engineering Department, 308 Portland Street, Celina, and phone 419-586-1144. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND. Landowner or his signed designee must attend this meeting.
Vince Barnhart, Secretary
Board of Zoning Appeals City of Celina
A public hearing will be held before the Marion Township Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday September 30, 2024 at 8:00 P.M. at the Marion Township Building, 8078 Marion Drive, Maria Stein, Ohio for the purpose of hearing the following:
The application of Gary and Mary Mescher, 8560 State Route 119, Maria Stein, Ohio. They are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct a second single family home on this 2.09 acre property that has an existing single family residential home. This residential lot is located at the above address, in Section 25, Marion Township.
Board of Zoning Appeals of Marion Township
Dale Homan, Chairman
Franklin Township
Mercer County, Ohio
The Franklin Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider the application for a Conditional Use Request on the 23rd day of September, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Franklin Township House, 6805 St. Rt. 219, Celina. The application, submitted by CL Bernard, requests a Conditional Use Permit for the property located at 5015 Lake Vista Drive, Celina, Ohio 45822.
Section 1127:48 of the Zoning Code, requires a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the use of a facility for event rentals. The applicant would like to be able to rent the building on a periodic basis for events such as graduations, birthday parties, holiday parties, etc. Rentals of the facility would include use of the building and parking lot.
Gary Schwieterman
Franklin Township Zoning Inspector
The Council of the City of Celina, Ohio, will hold a public hearing at a council meeting on Monday, October 14, 2024, to review a proposed Ordinance that would amend the Zoning District Map portion of Ordinance 26-99-O (Zoning Ordinance).
Ordinance 58-24-O proposes to change M-2 Light Manufacturing District to B-3 Community Shopping District located at 1800 Industrial Drive. (Tax Map # 27-027100.0400).
The hearing will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of the Administration Building, 225 N. Main Street. The purpose is to hear comments on the proposed zoning change.
The proposed Ordinance is on file and available for public review at the Administration Building, 225 N. Main Street (ph. 419-586-6464).
By: Michael DiDonato, Clerk
Celina City Council