Tuesday, November 28th, 2006
Sales up in school cafeterias
Students suggest what they want to see on menu
By Margie Wuebker
MINSTER - Changes in cafeteria offerings equate to dollars in the Minster school district.
Treasurer Laura Klosterman told board of education members profits were up $6,800 in October as a result of pizza days, ala carte selections and menu changes.
These changes, which evolved through a collaboration between students on the superintendent's advisory committee and the cafeteria staff, have seen the sale of lunches increase from 6182.40 in September to $7,321.60 in October at the high school level.
Numbers also are up at the middle school, from $3,676.35 to $8,390.15, and at the elementary, from $1,805.50 to $4,659.95. Additionally, ala carte sales went from $2,381 to $8,715.60 since August.
The advisory committee, comprised of freshmen through senior class representatives, began researching cafeteria complaints during the 2005-2006 school year.
The project gradually evolved into menu changes including the serving of Pizza Hut fare each Monday and enlarged ala carte selections including grab and go items. The line, which also includes fruit, snacks, sandwiches and soup, also was added at the middle school.
With one project under its belt, the advisory committee has moved on to a new topic - whether book bags should be permitted in classrooms.
In other action, the board:
• Learned recent parent-teacher conferences in grades kindergarten through six drew an average 98 percent attendance. A total of 197 conferences were held at the high school level.
• Received an update on the first high school lock-down (code blue) drill conducted Oct. 26. Minster Police Chief Don Bergman met with administrators to review policies and procedures.
• Learned junior Dottie Goebel, a member of the superintendent's advisory committee, will serve as student representative on a Minster Civic Association committee being formed to address the future of the community.
• Approved a high school band trip to Florida on April 22-27. The charge per student is $600 with various fundraisers bringing down the amount to around $200. The board does not contribute to this self-funded trip, which includes performances at Walt Disney World.
• Tabled action on establishing a ceiling when it comes to hiring teachers with experience. The Ohio Revised Code allows districts to accept a minimum of five years and maximum of 10 years. A decision is expected once the board reviews what other districts offer.
• Approved a snow removal contract with Brad Winner. The amount - $60 per hour per vehicle as needed - remains the same as last year.
• Set 8 p.m. Dec. 18 as the time and date for the next meeting.