Tuesday, November 13th, 2007
Recognition for good job
Photo by Shelley Grieshop/The Daily Standard
The Auglaize County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (MR/DD) nominated for state recognition four past and current members of the board for outstanding service. The four will attend the Ohio Association of County Boards of MR/DD at a convention in Columbus in December. Receiving plaques and honored for their accumulative 118 years of service were, pictured above from left, Tom and Jo McCarthy, and Gwynne and Dr. Tom (not present) Freytag. The McCarthys of St. Marys became involved with MR/DD in 1970. Jo McCarthy currently serves on the board as secretary. The Freytags of Wapakoneta became involved in the MR/DD program in 1985. Gwynne has served on the board since 1997.