Thursday, February 25th, 2010
Coldwater schools now compliant with Title IX
By Betty Lawrence
COLDWATER - Coldwater Exempted Village Schools is now in compliance with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in educational programs and activities, according to Superintendent Rich Seas.
The school had been under a Title IX watch since 2006, when the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) investigated the school following discontinuation of the girls gymnastics program.
To achieve compliance, high school administrators moved bowling from a club sport to a fully-sponsored school sport and added girls soccer to the school's offerings.
"The OCR approved the bowling and soccer and we're encouraged at what we were able to do. We plan to keep moving forward on this," Seas told school board members meeting Tuesday.
In other action at Tuesday's meeting, treasurer Sherry Shaffer said she was more than happy to report the school's building program will be closed out soon, allowing the school access to the $500,000 Permanent Improvement monies.
"This whole thing started in 1999, 11 years ago, and I plan to whoop and holler next week when it's final," she said.
Gifted coordinator Pat Naveau said the middle school quiz bowl will be 9 a.m. March 6 at the school.
"This is the first time Coldwater has hosted this and there are 25 on my team this year. Nine schools are coming in," she said.
In other action, the board:
• Went into executive session to discuss compensation, employment of personnel and to review negotiations. No action was taken.
• Approved the donation of a football banner from the Coldwater Athletic Boosters.
• Hired Josh Lisi as junior high track coach and Marty Schoenherr as junior high cross country coach for the 2010 season.
• Accepted the resignations of Mandy Diller, head volleyball coach; Mike Etzler, assistant volleyball coach; and Beth Thomas, junior high volleyball coach.
• Approved Kyle Ahrens and Toby Siefring as volunteer coaches for the 2010 baseball season.