CELINA - Brandon Edwards, 29, Celina, who is charged in the methamphetamine intoxication death of a Montezuma toddler two years ago, made his initial appearance Tuesday via video in Mercer County Common Pleas Court. [More]
CELINA - A new jungle gym with several slides for children aged 5-12 will be installed at West Beach following action taken at Lake Facilities Authority's Tuesday meeting.
CELINA - Parties involved in a dispute over a private drainage tile allegedly causing damage to private farmland and a public road in Washington Township on Tuesday indicated they are open to working with Mercer County Soil and Water Conservation District to find a solution to drainage issues.
MINSTER - Despite recent cold, snowy weather, a contractor is making substantial progress on the $1.23 million East Seventh Street reconstruction project, council members learned at their Tuesday meeting.
Rex Zizelman, 74, Celina, who was driving a Mercer County Veterans Services van involved in a Feb. 17 crash in Darke county has been moved from the intensive care unit at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, into a regular room, a hospital official said Tuesday afternoon.
County inspection and maintenance personnel will be on-site along many of the 111 miles of Mercer County maintained open drainage ditches and 62 miles of tile throughout the county during the upcoming construction season, according to a news release from Mercer County Engineer Jim Wiechart.
Coldwater wins D-III tournament opener over Riverdale
ELIDA - During the preseason, as he waits for his full team to get together after football, Coldwater boys basketball coach Nick Fisher talks about the regular season being part of a tuneup for getting a good postseason run. [More]
COLDWATER - A hot-shooting Ada offense and a spotty St. Henry defense threatened to derail the Redskins' hopes in the Division IV sectional opener, but St. Henry's shooters turned on the jets to secure the right to move on.
New Bremen's Nick Alig and Coldwater's Jasmine Schulze were named the Bowlers of the Year for the Midwest Athletic Conference as the conference coaches announced its honors.