Special Weather Statement issued December 5 at 9:47AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH (details ...)
Wind gusts of 30 mph will occur through the morning with a slow decrease in winds during the afternoon. Temperatures will continue to fall well into the morning before steadying out and then rising only slightly during the afternoon. The combination of wind and very cold temperatures will result in wind chill in the single digits, with parts of eastern Indiana and west central Ohio falling into the single digits below zero.
The gusty winds may make for challenging driving conditions, especially for high-profile vehicles traveling on north-south roadways. In addition, people are urged to take appropriate precautions from the cold wind chill, particularly if you need to spend any extended amount of time outside.
Today 26° Today 26° chance 18° 18° chance Tomorrow 29° Tomorrow 29° 23° 23°
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